Ki Games Trivia Cheats

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How to Control Cheating at Trivia Events

  1. Ki Games Trivia Cheats To Play
  2. Ki Trivia Answers
  3. Trivia Games Online

Earn Crowns With Trivia With the trivia quizzes on theWizard101 website, you can earn up to 100 free crowns a day. These quizzes used to be on KIFreeGames, but they were moved to the Wizard101 website as of June 3, 2020. To start, you can log in to the site using the same username and password you use for Wizard101 or Pirate101. Below you will be able to find all Trivia for All Answers, Cheats and Solutions.This is the latest game developed by the famous company Second Gear Games who have also developed other challenging apps such as 22 Clues, 11 Clues, Word Fever and Word Imposter.

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“Get cheating under control at your trivia event and make sure the night is fun for everyone not just the select few”

Today we are going to look at an era of trivia hosting that has become the plague of the modern trivia night….cheating. It is a very sticky area, a subject every trivia host will have to deal with at some point and an area which requires skill, experience and knowledge to be able to control.

Since the rise of smartphones, the plain and simple fact is that the players have access to every single answer you might require of them. Sneaking off to the toilet, hiding behind another player, heading to smoking area during the quiz. It can ruin and cheapen your whole trivia night if people are cheating, as if you don’t notice, other people certainly will and if there is one thing guaranteed to drive customers away time after time then it is cheating that is not dealt with.

Here are some basic steps on how to control and prevent unruly behavior and cheating breaking out at your place of trivia….

How to Control Cheating at Trivia Events – Make your policy clear

This needs to be done right from the word go. You have to make it clear from the very moment the event starts that cheating will not be tolerated. I for instance, mentioned it on the microphone, ask people to pop their phones away and have a “no cheating” and “no phones” logo splashed across the picture round hand out and answer sheets. I also remind players are the interval and if there is any suspicious behavior going on that I am aware of it and threaten disqualification. Try and make the cheaters feel isolated, bad and that they should stop. The clearer you make the policy from the outset the easier it will be to implement when it comes to dishing out point deductions and disqualifications. On rare occasions where there is a cheater, it is fun to make the audience boo the player. This is likely the first and last step. They won’t dare attempt to cheat again knowing full well the rest of the audience will be watching them.

How to Control Cheating at Trivia Events – Disqualify a Fake Team from time to time

This is a handy little tip if you think cheating is going on but cannot really prove it….the fake team disqualification. This will only work in larger venues so if you are only hosting trivia with 6-7 teams then it will be seen straight through but anything upwards of 10 teams and you can announced at the end or half way that “I have had to disqualify The Nail Heads because of cheating” then it makes everyone else who is cheating a little more hesitant. It shows you are serious and of course no one is affected as the team doesn’t exist but it makes the other players think twice.

How to Control Cheating at Trivia Events – Give no time for cheats

There are a few good ways to sop cheats but the one I have found most useful is to not even allow them the time to cheat! The more time you go without marking, collecting in answers or moving between rounds then the more time the customer has to cheat. For example, some trivia nights that I’ve seen other people host are from 8pm until 11pm and the player has the answer sheet for most of that time giving them much more scope and opportunity to cheat.

Wireless Buzzers are the best way to prevent cheating.

For wireless buzzer trivia hosts: This is the ultimate way to prevent cheating is to use fast finger wireless buzzers. When the question is asked, the first person to buzz in only gets to answer. There is no room for cheating in this instance, unless a friend whispers it in their ears, or knows sign-language, or simply shouts out the answer to a player. All that still takes time and someone else likely would have ‘buzzed in’. This will keep a game running true with the likelihood of cheating at an absolute minimum.

For pen and paper trivia hosts: The way to control this is short rounds. I give out 5 questions and then take in the sheets giving players 5 minutes or so thinking time, sometimes less. It makes it easier to detect cheating as if you ask for the sheets every 5 questions you know first off that the people handing the sheets in straight away are not a problem. If a team is always last and going out for regular breaks or toilet stops before the sheet comes in that’s when you become alert.

In addition, the very fact that you are getting answers in so rapidly and so often means that you are eliminating their time to cheat.

How to Control Cheating at Trivia Events – The quiet word

Ki Games Trivia Cheats To Play


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If all else fails and you have a decent shred of evidence that the team in question is cheating then the first time you catch them, perhaps just have a word when they hand the sheet in. Make them aware you know and make them aware that this time you are turning a blind eye but not in future. Hence you have given them leeway, you haven’t been overly harsh or strict and you have managed to keep them on side by doing a “favor” and allowing it once. Cheats who think that they are getting away with it will always continue to push the line and as I have said this could really be detrimental to your ambitions.

In essence therefore, what you need to consider is that cheating can ruin your trivia night and if YOU don’t control it then the only outcome is going to be a ruined night, players wont return and the cheats will have cost you a booking. Often cheats will only cheat until they are stopped or confronted and then play fair so the sooner you clamp it out and the more you ensure that it is dealt with properly then it will ensure your night runs smoothly and effectively. In a nutshell, what you have with cheaters is a delicate balance of yes you want them to play and spend money in the bar but on the other side of things you don’t want them cheating and running the night for others so the way you have to play it is very carefully indeed.

Trivia Games Online

I hope that helped with what all of us find a tough and taxing area of trivia hosting and remember to stay tuned to the blog for further information and updates on the world of trivia with plenty of hints and tips coming up to ensure your trivia night runs as superbly as you deserve it to.