Simcity Snes Game Genie Cheats

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When you begin the game, immediately start a new city. When in-game, go to the Save/Load menu and select End. SimCity, Cheats, Cheat Codes and Guides for the Super Nintendo. The information on this page applies to the SNES version of Sim City ('Classic,' not 2000). I realize this page is a bit late, considering the game came out over a decade ago, but I've been playing it on and off since that point, and have found it odd that all of the info on the net about the game is pretty rudimentary and basic, barely going beyond what's in the manual. Welcome to our collection of Simcity 2000, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for SNES. Visit our dedicated Simcity 2000 message board to discuss this game with other members. Check back for more Simcity 2000 cheats to be posted. Putting the 'Memory' option on 'CLS' will get rid of the debug menu and return the game to normal. Note: This will also disable any activated cheats and you will have to re-input the code. Erase all saved games: Press L + R + Select. More maps: Start with a new city, select any landscape, and wait at least ten seconds. Enter the total screen. Cheats are user contributed and may or may not work for you. Whenever possible the cheats have been tested. Some cheats may work for some people and not others due to differences in game revisions or differences in hardware used to play the game. No guarantee is made for the usability of any cheat. We need your cheats!

  1. Simcity Snes Game Genie Cheats Codes
  2. Simcity 2000 Snes Cheats
  3. Simcity Snes Game Genie Cheats Age Of Empires 2
  4. Simcity Snes Game Genie Cheats Pc
  5. Simcity Snes Guide
  6. Simcity 2000 Game Genie Cheats Snes
By/May 1, 2017 3:55 pm EST/Updated: Dec. 26, 2017 4:34 pm EST

A game can be bad for many, many reasons. Maybe it's too hard. Maybe the developers forgot to include an important clue. Maybe important information got lost in translation. Maybe it was good at the time and hasn't aged well, or maybe it just doesn't make any sense.

While cheat codes won't fix bad graphics, poor storylines, or unresponsive controls, they can help rescue games from developers' oversights, and in some cases, introduce entirely new, superior ways to play. Yes, with cheats, you may not be playing some of these exactly like their designers intended—but if you're having fun anyway, then what's the real harm?

SimCity 2000

You know what's not fun? Taxes. You know what you have to deal with in a normal game of SimCity 2000? Taxes. In a standard round, the way you make money—which you need to do things like build roads, establish industrial, commercial, and residential zones, or pretty much anything else in the game—is by taxing the population of your city. If the taxes are too high (and they're always too high), existing citizens complain, and nobody new will move in. If they're too low, you'll quickly run out of cash, making it impossible to build the city of your dreams.

Given that the fun part of SimCity is building wild, impossible urban landscapes—and not balancing your checkbook—just skip the whole thing. In SimCity 2000, if you type 'imacheat' at any point during the game, a mysterious benefactor will deposit $500,000 into your bank account.

Don't feel bad—everyone else is doing it too. In fact, infinite money cheats are so ubiquitous among SimCity players that almost every version of the game includes one. Just keep in mind that, when you use these cheats, there's also a chance that a disaster will strike your city. Don't worry about it, though: it isn't like you weren't going to unleash an earthquake or an alien invasion on your budding metropolis at some point anyway.

Guitar Hero III

Most people who played video games in the mid-to-late 2000s have a stack of plastic instruments in their closets, and for good reason. While the novelty of the guitar-shaped controllers might've worn off, Guitar Hero is still very, very fun—and Guitar Hero 3 is the game that really made the series a superstar. With 73 separate songs on the disc and a handful of different difficulty settings, Guitar Hero 3 has enough content to keep you busy for years—once you take the time to unlock everything.

See, for some reason, the game begins with most of its tracks unavailable, and players will have to grind through pre-defined setlists or earn enough in-game currency to access them all. Not only is that annoying and time-consuming, but it's an excellent way to get sick of the game—and its music—before even getting to play some of Guitar Hero 3's best tracks.

Thankfully, there's an easy solution. Inputting a series of chords will make every track in the game available in Quick Play mode instantly, eliminating the need to grind away to unlock everything. That's a good thing, too, because if we have to hear 'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' or any of Guitar Hero's entry songs one more time, we're going to go full-on Pete Townshend on our plastic Les Pauls. You've been warned.

Castlevania II

Simcity snes guide

In most games, cheating is an option. Every once in a while, it's a necessity. Just look at Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. Like other so-called Metroidvania games, Simon's Quest features an open, non-linear world for players to explore. Unlike other Metroidvania games, Simon's Quest features one of the worst Japanese-to-English translations in video game history. For some games (the original Legend of Zelda, for example), butchered text isn't a problem. In a game like Simon's Quest, which relies on subtle clues to guide players towards objectives, it's a disaster.

For example, raise your hand if you can figure out what 'Hit Deborah Cliff with your head to make a hole' means. Anyone? That's what we thought. As a result, if you want to beat Castlevania II, you have two options: either you can wander through the map, trying everything possible on every square until you luck into the right solution, or you can pull up a walkthrough, which will explain that in order to proceed, you need to hold a red crystal while kneeling on a in the graveyard. Yes, that's cheating, but given the situation, nobody's going to hold it against you. Trust us.

Mortal Kombat

During the early '90s, when fighting games ruled the video game world, Street Fighter II was the undisputed king of the arcade. It had everything you needed. Not only was it the first modern fighting game, but its cast of colorful and interesting characters like Ryu, Guile, and Chun-Li, easy-to-learn but hard-to-perfect special moves, and fast-paced combat made it hard for any other game to measure up. But Mortal Kombat had one thing that Street Fighter II didn't: lots and lots of gore.

For parents (and major political figures like Joe Lieberman and Second Lady Tipper Gore), Mortal Kombat's blood—to say nothing of its ultra-violent Fatalities—presented some problems, and when Mortal Kombat migrated from arcades to home consoles like the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis, Nintendo and Sega had some tough choices to make. In order to keep its family-friendly image intact, Nintendo censored Mortal Kombat's most extreme moments and made the blood gray, passing it off as sweat.

Supposedly, Sega followed suit—but as any '90s kid knows, that wasn't really the case. After booting up the Sega Genesis, pressing A, B, A, C, A ,B, and B on Mortal Kombat's 'Code of Honor' screen unlocks the full, blood-soaked version of the game, delighting children around the country. As a result, there's no real question which version of Mortal Kombat is superior. The Super Nintendo version of Mortal Kombat has better sound and smoother graphics, but the Genesis one has decapitations. We know which one we'd choose.


In 1997, Turok was fine. First-person shooters had yet to make their mark on home consoles—Turok came out a few months before GoldenEye: 007—and Turok's edgy, mature tone provided a nice contrast to the rest of the Nintendo 64's colorful, kid-friendly lineup. At the time, it was easy to forgive the blocky graphics, awkward platforming sections, or the mist that kept everything farther than a few feet away out of sight in order to protect the Nintendo 64's limited CPU.

Simcity Snes Game Genie Cheats Codes

And while the basic game itself hasn't aged well, it's still fun. If you don't know why, we've got two words for you: disco mode. Going to Turok's cheats menu and entering SNFFRR fills the game's prehistoric world with flashing lights, and transforms its enemies from foes into guests at a worldwide rave. Because you know what's better than battling cybernetically enhanced dinosaurs? Dancing with cybernetically enhanced dinosaurs.

Oh, and don't worry: if your Nintendo 64 doesn't work any more, the 2015 remaster includes both disco mode and a level editor, meaning that you're only a few clicks away from creating the prehistoric dance club of your dreams.

Final Fantasy VIII

Compared to previous Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy VIII is different. In the preceding titles, character progression works in a consistent way: earning experience points levels characters up, making them stronger, while equipping things like jobs, Materia, or Magicite teach them spells and skills that they need to survive.

Final Fantasy VIII, however, uses something called the 'Junction System.' Squall and his friends don't inherently know any magic. Instead, they steal spells from enemies, which they can either save or unleash on unsuspecting foes. But in Final Fantasy VIII, magic isn't just for battles—if you want to complete the game, you'll also need to attach the magic in your collection to your characters' various stats. The more copies of a spell that you have in your inventory, the stronger your characters become.

It's an interesting system in theory, but in practice, it makes Final Fantasy VIII an endless slog. In order to stay competitive, you'll need to artificially extend battles while you harvest the magic that you need, leading to repetitive gameplay and slowing Final Fantasy VIII's leisurely plot to an absolute crawl. It's tedious, not fun. Square Enix must've realized that too, because in the game's recent mobile and PC re-releases, Final Fantasy VIII comes with a number of built-in cheats that reduce grinding to a medium. Instead of spending all of your time picking away at monsters while gathering spells, you can gather all the magic you need with the press of a button. It makes the game a lot faster, and while it's easy to end up overpowered if you're not careful, it can make Final Fantasy VIII flow a lot better, too.


Battletoads is infamously hard, but for the most part, it's the fun kind of hard. The characters might be second-rate Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles knockoffs, but the third-person brawling is solid, and most of the levels are eminently beatable if you practice and pay attention.

The same can't be said for the game's racing sections. In order to traverse the underground Turbo Tunnel Zitz, Rash, and Pimple hop on some high-tech hovercraft and partake in a high-speed race that requires split-second timing in order to dodge the tunnel's many obstacles. If Battletoads were a modern game with permanent saves and checkpoints, that would be fine. But Battletoads is a retro Nintendo title, and like most games from that era, once you run out of lives it's game over.

That makes memorizing the Turbo Tunnel's layout tedious and time-consuming, especially since you'll have to battle your way there from the beginning every time you run out of continues. Most people just give up, but you don't have to. If you hold down A, and B while you hit Start on Battletoads' continue screen, you'll resume with a few extra lives, giving you some extra chances to get things right. Using a Game Genie, a Pro Action Replay, or emulator-enabled cheats, you can give yourself infinite lives, letting you practice until you've got the whole level committed to memory. Or, if you really want, you can just skip the hardest part of the Turbo Tunnel entirely—hit the 10th gate in the fifth and final section of the level and you'll warp straight to level five, where you'll probably be killed by a floating log while cruising through Surf City.

Mario Kart DS

As the very first Mario Kart game with online play, Mario Kart DS should've been a triumph. It wasn't. Oh, at the time, the game's impeccable selection of courses, refined controls, and slick presentation made it one of the very best single-player Mario Kart experiences. It's when you ventured online that the problems started.

Ever since Mario Kart 64, racers have been able to get small speed boosts while drifting. Originally, to get the boost, you'd need to quickly flick the controller's joystick (or D-pad) in the opposite direction and back while holding down the drift button. Execute the move successfully, and your kart's exhaust turns from white to orange. Do it again, and the smoke becomes blue, increasing your speed temporarily once you let go of the drift button.

In Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, mini-boosts gave Mario Kart an extra layer of depth. In Mario Kart DS, it broke multiplayer. With a technique known as 'snaking,' players learned how to quickly drift and boost while effectively moving in a straight line, leaving less experienced players in the dust. It's not how Mario Kart is supposed to be played, and if you didn't master the technique, you'd be quickly left behind. If you wanted to stay competitive, you had to learn how to snake yourself. Sure, that made you part of the problem, but hey. A win's a win.

Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

A well-constructed video game puzzle is kind of like a magic trick. The game designers need to give players all the tools they need to find the solution on their own, but if they nudge the player too far in the right direction, it takes all the fun out of solving the puzzle. Some games, like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, get it just right. Others, like Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, do not.

Take Zelda II's Hidden Palace, for example. When you start the dungeon, you'll need the Magic Key, which unlocks an infinite number of doors, to get past the third screen. In order to get the Magic Key, you have to cast the spell Spell (yes, that's what it's called) at a dead end at the edge of the Hidden Town of Kasuto in order to uncover the Key's hiding place. To pull that off, you'll need to find the Hidden Town first—which involves chopping down trees with your hammer, because that's absolutely how forestry works—and learn Spell from a Kasuto native, and then you need to figure out what Spell does, because that name doesn't help at all (Spell also transforms some monsters into other monsters, which has nothing to do with making temples appear, adding to the confusion).

Oh, and the one hint you get to set you in the right direction? In Kasuto Town, non-hidden edition, an old man says. 'THE TOWN IS DEAD. LOOK EAST IN WOODS.' That's it. There's nothing about hammers, spells, hidden temples, or keys. Sure, if you're nine years old and have the time (and patience) to try everything, you might find get lucky and find your way on your own. If you're not, just check a walkthrough, then get back to the fun part: decimating Moblins and making Ganon beg for mercy.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Like the radio drama and book series it's based on, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game is hilarious. It's also brutally difficult, especially by today's standards. While text-based games don't get much play these days, back in the '80s, they were a big deal. Since nothing needed to be animated—words are cheap, after all—in these games, players can do almost anything, as long as they know the right words (known as 'verbs') to type. Seasoned adventure game veterans can navigate walls of text with ease. For those of us raised on graphics and controllers, however, knowing which verbs to use can be a challenge all on its own.

That's true for both easy and hard adventure games—and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is definitely not easy. A single mistake can result in Arthur Dent's death, sending the player back to the beginning. If you don't solve certain puzzles, or don't solve them the right way, you may not be able to beat the game—but Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy won't necessarily tell you, letting you endlessly try the same commands over and over until you give up.

And then, of course, there are the puzzles themselves. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series thrives on its twisted logic, and the game does too, which is great for making jokes but doesn't always lead to straightforward solutions. For example, in order to get the Babel Fish, which you'll need to translate alien languages, you have to solve a puzzle so complex and convoluted that the developers actually made t-shirts that successful players could buy to brag about their achievements.

You could spend hours (if not a lifetime) trying to solve the Babelfish's memories— or, if you're just looking for some jokes, you can look at a walkthrough. Hey, we like puzzles too, but we also like things that make sense. In Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, those two things don't always go hand in hand.

Ikari Warriors

Many older games aren't that long—with limited storage space, there's not always room for a whole lot of content—and so, in order to make a game last longer, developers made many of them extra difficult. That's the only possible explanation as to why Ikari Warriors is so hard, especially on home systems. In the arcades, Ikari Warriors had rotary joysticks, which can be twisted in addition to pushed in eight directions, and co-op multiplayer to set it apart. On consoles like the Nintendo Entertainment System, Ikari Warriors is mostly notable for its steep learning curve, which wasn't softened at all for home release.

In fact, Ikari Warriors on the NES is longer than the arcade game, and doesn't have continues enabled by default. That's ridiculous. In arcades, harsh difficulty curves were used to gobble up as many quarters as possible. That's not necessary for home releases. The developers already have your money, and Ikari Warriors is difficult enough even with infinite retries. Thankfully, there's a solution if, after wasting your measly three lives, you want to pick up where you left off. In the gap between the game over and title screens, enter a special code (A, B, B, A) and, most of the time, you'll pick up right where you left off. Continues don't stop Ikari Warriors' brutal action scenes from feeling like a meat grinder, but unless you want to throw your controller through your television screen, it's pretty much the only way to play.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Here's an idea: take a property made famous by a children's television show, then use it to make a game that's far, far too difficult for most of the kids who actually watch the thing. That's what Konami did when it made Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The bulk of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which features unforgiving action-platforming and respawning enemies, is hard enough. The second half of the second level, in which the turtles have two minutes and 28 seconds to disarm eight underwater time bombs, is infamously near-impossible.

Enter the Game Genie. While you could spend your time trying to master the level, it's easier to use Galoob's controversial cheating device to plow through the underwater hellscape. Entering SXVZGSOO on the Game Genie's launch screen (or the analogous menu in any popular NES emulators) renders the dam level's radioactive seaweed absolutely harmless. That makes the swimming challenge a lot easier to navigate, and while you'll still have to deal with the turtles' Flappy Bird-like controls, you should be able to disarm the bombs and finally, finally see what lies beyond the Hudson River (or you could just take Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles out of your NES and swap in the superior Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game, which has just as many mutants, but is also a fun, beatable game).


The information on this page applies to the SNES version of Sim City('Classic,' not 2000). I realize this page is a bit late, considering the gamecame out over a decade ago, but I've been playing it on and off since thatpoint, and have found it odd that all of the info on the net about the game ispretty rudimentary and basic, barely going beyond what's in the manual.

The purpose of this page is to cover some of the various strategies that canbe used to build cities with huge populations. The largest city I havepersonally built was a little over 650,000. However, I should mention that Ihaven't built a large number of large cities, because I did the majority of myplaying when I was a kid. In recent years, I've come back to the game a fewtimes, learning new things each time that I didn't know back in the day, andbuilding bigger cities each time.

Some Basics

Destroy Schools and Hospitals

They don't add to the population, so nuke them.

One Firestation

Fire coverage is a waste of time and space. Build one fire station to shutthe people up, but don't build any more. At some point you might want to buildsix, twelve, or eighteen fire stations, to get your HQs. Once you build atleast one of the HQs, destroy your regular fire station.

So if your fire coverage sucks, how do you fight a fire? Easy. When a firebreaks out, turn the time to stopped, get to the scene of the fire, bulldozeanything around it that you can easily rebuild, build a few firestations aroundit, turn the time back on, and wait for it to go out. Then destroy yourtemporary fire stations and rebuild.

Optimal Transportation

Most importantly, don't use roads. Pollution and traffic suck.

Secondly, if you getting the highest population is the goal, then you mustuse as few rails as possible (I'll get into that more, in a bit). Each zoneonly needs one square of rail touching it, and any unneeded squares should bereplaced with parks -- or, even better -- used to stack in some extrazones.

And to truly milk your land, always try to use water for transportation.Remember: you can build rails on water, but not buildings. So whenever you'renear the coastline, try to pack in as many zones as possible, and stick yourtransportation in the water.

The Best Maps

Each map is 120x100.

Generally you want less water, since obviously you can't build anything onwater. But water isn't completely worthless: it significantly raises the landvalue of the land surrounding it. Since industrial zones don't really careabout land value, try and cover most or all of your waterfront withresidentials and commercials.

There is also the freedom map -- the one with the big mario face forest inthe center, and no water -- but you don't get any presents on that map, whichmakes it much less useful than it seems at first.

The following is a list of the best maps I know of, ordered by their amountof water (less water is better):

map #water
61 1740
728 1830
849 1941
31 2071
714 2134
921 2153
default 2197

The Money Trick

You can easily find this on google but I'll try to sum it up as concisely aspossible:

  1. set fire/police/transportation funding levels to 0%
  2. build something that has an annual tax cost -- fire/police dept., road, or rail. one is enough.
  3. spend all of your money
  4. make sure you have auto-$ off, and wait until the tax screen pops up
  5. press and hold L -- don't let go!
  6. exit the tax screen, and then immediately re-access it via the menu
  7. raise all funding levels to 100%, exit tax screen
  8. let go of L

You will now have $999,999.

I'm sure some people think this is just lame cheating, but personally Ithink it's more fun. Trying to actually build a city the expected way isreally slow, and a pain in the ass. Fighting the in-game economics and taxesis boring to me; getting the highest population is a more exciting challenge tofocus on. And that is what Sim City is all about, right? Making your owngoals?

Easy Pausing

The L and R buttons pause the game. This is how the money trick works, and itis also extremely useful when stacking zones -- you can prevent little housesfrom growing back while you're trying to bulldoze and build things.

The Startup Bug

Hereis another page with a couple useful bits -- most notably a fix for the'startup bug.' This refers to how for the first few moments after loading acity, the power is out, crime is extremely high, etc. The fix is toimmediately set the speed to paused, wait a minute (maybe even just 10, 20, 30seconds or so -- I didn't test it extensively), and then resume.

I disagree with a thing or two on that page (big cities should have moreindustrials than commercials, not vice versa -- and donuts suck), but the giftslist is also quite useful. I was going to put one on this page sometime, butnever got around to it.

Debunkin' Donuts

The donut block is widely considered to be the best arrangement for zones,but in my opinion it definitely is not. The two zone-wide strips have alwaysseemed more dense to me, and to find out the truth, I've done a test. Butbefore I get to that, I should explain the various conditions that a blockarrangement needs to meet:

  • Each zone needs transportation; this means directly touching at least one square of road or railroad.
  • A block needs to be some sort of shape that is repeatable, usually a square or rectangle. The idea is to take the best block arrangement and repeat it over the whole map, to use space in the most efficient manner possible.
  • A block should try to minimize the amount of land used by road or railroad, thereby raising the density of the zones contained in the block, and lowing transportation upkeep costs.

Now, what do these two arrangements look like? The donut is a 9x9 square ofzones, with the middle zone cut out and usually used for a police department,fire department, or gift. The donut layout is said to maximize the landvalue-raising effects of gifts, and provide a straightforward place to putpolice and fire departments, since their effectiveness is the same regardlessof the transportation available to them.

The two zone-wide strip is simply that: a strip of zones, two wide, and ofany length. Longer strips are preferable, as they minimize the space taken byroads and rails.

The Test

So as mentioned, I decided to conduct a somewhat scientific test between theefficiency of these two layouts. I decided to give the donut blocks theadvantage by fitting the test area to them, and then filling the same area withstrips. The area was 31x31 squares, which means 3x3 donut blocks, or 9strips.

Donut Results

Number of zones72
Amount of rails/roads23.2km

Strip Results

Number of zones90
Amount of rails/roads12.0km

It now becomes quite clear that the donut layout wastes a considerableamount of space on roads. In fact, if we examine the layout, we can find thateach corner block is completely covered in roads on two sides. That's sixtimes more than we need on those zones! The roads on the corners also go towaste, as they aren't even touching any zones. These are low in number enoughto not be a big concern, but they're still wasteful. The third problemregarding their use of roads is the fact that each block needs to be surroundedby roads. Ideally, roads belong on the inside edge of any pattern, not theoutside. Putting them on the outside is the entire reason we have so much ofthem, but the donut layout doesn't leave us with much other choice. This alsocauses problems when you reach the end of the map and are one block short; thecenter zone on that edge will either have to be left out, or you'll have tosomehow attempt some zone stacking to get a piece of road in there.

The two-wide strip solves all of these problems. Each zone is touchingexactly three squares of road on one side. Corners and intersections arereduced to almost nothing. You can build your entire city of strips, with noconnecting streets on the ends of the strips. Even if you do want to haveconnecting streets on the ends (to keep the game more realistic, if you care),they would be insignificant in number. The strip layout also allows roads tobe on the 'inside' of the pattern; instead of imagining this pattern as twozone-wide strips, imagine it as two single strips, with a road down the middle.When repeated, it tends to have the appearance of two zone-wide strips, and inthe middle of a big city, the difference is irrelevant. But on the edges it'simportant. Having a road up against the edge of the map is a waste; the goalfor any piece of road should be to provide to as many zones as possible. Whenyou put a road up against the edge of the map, it becomes incapable ofproviding transportation to that edge. The difference between the two isprobably not huge, but it's one of the many little things that you can do totip yourself over the 500k population mark. Every little thing counts.

But the strips don't have places for gifts, police, and fire stations!

Ah, but they do. Place them wherever you want! That is a benefit of thislayout. With donuts, you're pretty much stuck putting these things in themiddle of the donuts. If for whatever reason, you don't want to put themthere, then you begin to take away land from your zones, and since you can'tput the zones in the middle of the donuts, you end up wasting land. It'simportant to have complete police coverage in a large city, while at the sametime having just as few police stations as you need to get the job done. Thestrip layout leaves the arrangement completely up to you, encouragingfine-tuning of the police station layout, minimizing any negative effect onyour population density. Gifts are also just as effective in this layout.When you place a gift in one of the strips, it raises the land values for thesame pattern of zones around it as it would in a donut - the road on one sidedoes not have a significant negative impact.

Even assuming you wanted the same number of police, fire, and gifts within agiven area, the strips still are the obvious choice. Given the layout in thetest, we have nine such open spots in our donut layout. If we we destroyedthat many zones in our strip layout, we would be at 81 zones - still 9 morethan the donut layout, and still with half of the roads. We can even do apseudo-donut layout within the strips if we want. This image does a good job ofvisually comparing the two layouts, and showing you the row of 9 'free' zonesat the bottom:

Bare Minimum Transportation

There is something that you can do no matter how your city is laid out, tocut costs, pollution, and raise land values: destroying roads and rails.Remember how each zone only needs to touch one square of road or rail? Well,the game also doesn't care whether any given piece of road touches any otherpiece of road (hooray for late eighties technology). We can get away withsomething like this:

I put parks in the blank spaces, but you can put that space to use bystacking other things in:


Stacking is a bit of a hack which exploits the fact that residential zonesallow you to bulldoze individual houses, before the zone turns into a largebuilding. You can then put other buildings in the gap.

You probably already knew that, but you might not know all of the possibilethings you can do by stacking zones. Temporary residential zones can be usedas sacrificial lambs to shave down other buildings. The interesting thing isthat the only buildings that do not really benefit from stacking areresidential zones themselves; since they need to develop from little housesfirst, they can't ever grow up if some of the individual houses are covered bysomething else. Thus, the only time you should ever employ residentialstacking is when the land would otherwise go unused, such as in the exampledirectly above. The house which gets 'priority' (is allowed to develop pastlittle houses) is the one which has more likelyhood to develop into a nicerproperty and/or possibly become a top.

So basically anything other than residential zones is a good candidate forstacking. Gifts, police stations, fire stations, power plants, stadiums, airand sea ports, etc. You can really go off the deep end with stacking andessentially stack everything to maximum capacity; this is how you get to thesuper-high populations (this is how I got to 600,000).

Here are some pictures to show you how to stack, and some neat stuff you cando with it.

The Basics

Build some residentials, let them grow all of their little houses, but don'tlet them form into big buildings

Now bulldoze some of the little houses to make space. Don't bulldoze the R!Turning the speed to paused helps here, so the houses don't spring right backto life while you're working.

Now put your new zones in place. They can be anything (notice we can buildparks in here too), but let's do some more residentials.

Maybe I changed my mind and want some commercials.

But notice that now I can't grow it any more. You can only stack withresidential zones, so if you want to stack other types of zones, you need tobuild temporary residentials, as we did here. Of course, most of the time youwill do more than just 5 zones, but this was just an example.

Fitting In

You need a space of 3x3 to build a zone, but sometimes you have somethingclose to this, but are blocked by some other zones, and/or are in a tightspace, like on a coastline. In that case, you can often squeeze in a zone withstacking. It's important to make sure that you always route transportation tothem somehow (train/roads over water are just fine, even if only one littlesquare. you can build a whole line out there and then bulldoze all but the onelittle square you need)

Simcity 2000 Snes Cheats

Stacking: Not Only For Zones

You can stack pretty much anything.

Let's stack an airport. Make sure we have everything lined up.

Let them grow

We had an akward spot over on the left, so let's get that fixed up

Damn, it's annoying when they turn into bigger buildings. In this case, wecan just wait a minute and it'll flip back, since there's no real city and notransportation. In a normal situation, you can cut off the zone'stransportation supply, and it'll slowly shrink back down. Once it's where youwant it, put the transportation back, and continue where you left off.

Simcity Snes Game Genie Cheats Age Of Empires 2

We really do have enough room!

And there it is.

Make sure the game is paused, and nuke the residentials.

Now we have a mini airport! It works just the same, too.

The Big Crunch

Let's really pack some stuff together.

Residential Stacking: Not So Great

But notice that stacking doesn't work well with residentials. A few bigbuildings appear, but they prevent the other zones from growing past littlehouses. So generally you will only want to leave residential zones stackedwhen you're using up otherwise empty space (like our coastline example above).Otherwise, residentials should only be used as temporaries to get commercialand industrial zones stacked.

Our industrials have no problem growing in such conditions. Neither docommercials.


Here's a handy use:

Here's stacking taken to the extreme. There *is* a pattern here! This isthe most efficient building pattern I've found so far, but I'm sure I can do abit better.

Here's more detail about that zone pattern. Notice, one little square oftransportation supplies 6 whole zones. Power lines are unneeded, because zonesaren't seperated from each other -- they're just one huge glob. You can repeatthis block in at least a couple different patterns, but basically it works outto something honeycomb-like; that's what's in the picture above. /cheating-tom-3-game.html. It'spresented next to some other familiar block patterns to show just howridiculously more efficient it is.

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If you leave air and seaports disconnected from power, they'll still satisfyyour citizens' desire for them. They'll still pollute, but your seaport won'tlaunch any boats -- no boat crashes!


Simcity Snes Guide

Here's my biggest city so far, cookie.

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