Video Game Cheats To Life

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If the symbols to the left mean anything to you, then you’ve heard of “cheat codes”: digital shortcuts that enable video gamers to access goodies they would normally have to play long hours to earn, like extra lives, secret powers, and silly outfits for their avatars.

Life Is a Video Game—Here Are the Cheat Codes. Below are the five cheat codes to help you navigate your way through Life and reach the end fully satisfied and Leveled-Up. After beating game and unlocking cheats section, i love replaying the story mode with unlimited ammo or unlimited magic costume ( Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Unchartered, God of War, Devil.

It may seem strange that young people who are willing to spend 10,000 hours gaming online before the age of 21 would even bother with shortcuts—but they do. In fact, the most famous cheat code has been built into more than 100 games since 1985 and even makes cameos in non-gaming environments like

The desire for shortcuts is part of being human. As a teacher, I see young people every day looking for the cheat codes to real life. They want to know which club will get them into the best college, which college will get them the best career, and which career will give them the most money for the least pain. They want to know which shirt will get them a girlfriend and which chapters they can blow off while studying for a test.

The real cheat codes to life, though, are simpler and more powerful.

Here are eight that I recently shared with my students on a retreat. Share them with someone young in your life and see if you can add any to the list.

1. Embrace People

I don't mean run around hugging everyone, although that might be good, too. Chris McCandless went “into the wild” to escape the cruelty and hypocrisy of other people. A moment with Tolstoy, although too late, made him realize that being with and caring for other people is required for happiness.

2. Forgive Easily

The Mayo Clinic notes the physiological and psychological benefits of burying the hatchet or not even taking it up in the first place. Grudges weigh you down. An automatic reflex to forgive people their trespasses will keep your mind and heart clear.

3. Be Positive

Cynicism and sarcasm are the native tongue of many youth, but psychologists have determined that a half-full worldview makes you more resilient in the face of adversity. Surrounding yourself with positive people helps, too.

4. Live Within Your Means

That fancy couch, car, or condo will not increase your happiness if you have to skimp on groceries or lock into a career you dislike to make your payments. Look at it this way: If financial wealth means having more money than you spend, then spending less than you in fact have is the quickest way to get rich.

5. Give

Evolution may have hardwired us to look out for our own self-interest or that of our family, but it has also hardwired us to work together for the survival of the larger group and its environment. Michael Norton is just one scientist who has shown that giving can make us happier than getting. /cheat-game-winning-eleven-9-pc.html.

6. Do Something

Your parents may have told you how brilliant and beautiful you are, but the real way to feel good about yourself is to work hard at something you are interested in until you have a tangible result. Even better is when the result helps others or helps the world.

7. Go Outside

Not getting outside is giving our younger generations what one thinker calls “nature deficit disorder.” From a head-cooling walk around the block to a three-day hike to get your life priorities straight, from noticing a bird in your yard to watching a plant change across the seasons, getting out into the real world makes a huge difference.

8. Sleep

Perhaps the strongest cheat code in life is one that many high-achievers pride themselves on neglecting. Researchers suggest that, for students, getting enough sleep has a bigger impact on achievement and well-being than any educational intervention or prescription drug.

Okay, so none of these cheats can change your eye color to neon green or give you a solar-powered radial pulse gun, but they will lead you toward a happier, more productive life. And while they are common sense, they are so frequently ignored that they function like well-kept secrets. Let’s make sure they are not a secret to the young people in our families and communities.

Games With Cheats

  • Apartment: Hidden rifle

On level 2, 'Apartment', when you go past your first tagging location, kill all policemen. There should be an apartment on the bottom floor, in the northern wing on the right. It is apartment number 15. Open the door and find the room behind the curtain. On the table in the corner is a high powered rifle for the taking.
  • Bank robbing costume

Use an escape car to get away.
  • Beatdown bonus mission

Complete all 12 missions and mission objectives.
  • Dazz

Defeat Shaun.
  • DJ Envy

Reach the subway.
  • Freeze's starting costume

Get in your car.
  • Invincibility

Note: Create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Find the 'easy.var' file in the '25 to lifedatavar' folder. Uncheck the read-only attribute of the file then use a text editor to open it. Find the 'AI2PlayerDamage 0.14' line and chane the '0.14' to '0.00'. You will now get no damage when the game is played under the easy difficulty setting.
  • Kurupt

Video Game Cheats To Life Online

Defeat Saragosa.

Video Game Cheats To Life Games

  • Officer Williams

Reach Mendoza's car with the evidence.
  • Rick Ta Life

Reach your car.

Video Game Cheats To Life Game

  • Shaun's getaway digs costume

Trap Shaun in the subway.
  • Tech H9ne

Defeat Shaun.
  • Tijuana: Defeating heavily armed enemies

On the Tijuana mission where you get the sniper rifle and the man says, 'Now the Federales are after me!', you are confronted by a group of men with rifles. They will be on the rooftop directly across the courtyard from where you are standing. The following is an easy way to dispatch them. Step to back into the corner and look just above the shack with the red roof. You can just barely see the head of each sniper, but they cannot see you. Take them out one by one until there are none remaining. You will save a lot of ammo by doing this. Then, go through the courtyard and around the corner. You are now rushed by several enemies. Duck behind the rear of the police car and snipe the men in the head as they come around the corner. You will save even more ammunition by doing this. Around the next corner there are several more lambs to the slaughter. Duck behind cover before you go any further. Make some noise so that they will come around the corner exposing themselves. Snipe their heads. Note: One of them has a rocket launcher; take him out first if you get rushed.

How To Cheat At Life

  • Get exclusive 25 to Life trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens

Get exclusive 25 to Life trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens.

Video Game Cheats In Real Life


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